
Monday, February 22, 2010

Silence is golden

My kids love to talk. ~sigh~ They just don't ever stop.  Don't get me wrong --- there's a whole lot of time spent in conversation, listening, playing, learning -- times where I love to hear to their sweet little voices... especially when they're saying something cute or telling me something new they've learned! 

But there are times when it's just too much.  Everyone is yelling, talking, shouting, giggling, interupting, screeching, laughing,yelling, and generally being NOISY.  My eyes feel like they're bulging out of my head and I just need silence for more than 4.2 seconds!   They start as soon as the get up and there simply isn't a moment of silence until they're tucked in their little beds.  And even then sometimes I have to use threats to silence them.  There are days when I can't even think straight.  I'm trying to plan our week, think about something, remember an important detail, talk on the phone, make an appointment, have a conversation with another family member etc. etc. and it's near impossible some days

I read these points in an article the other day.. in regards to kids who have a lot (too much!) to say:

The most important points are:

* try to remain calm and speak to him with compassion
* when you do listen - make sure he feels he has your full attention
* don't let him prattle on without listening or without asking him to wait
* if you are consistant and compassionate, it will get better
* make sure your face lights up when he enters the room
* Making your child feel listened to and understood can change who he is.

Ya know, some days I will read these magazines and I feel like I've ruined my kids.  I mean, whewww -- I wish I had the time and patience to pay attention to what they have to say all day long!  Sadly I have to admit - I probably only hear half of what they tell me.  There's a whole lot of "uh-huh" and "mmm..hmmmm" that goes on around here.  And I wonder -- how do people who have even more kids than I do it?
I wonder if I'm missed something truly important?


Laurie said...

I am sure we all miss something of great importance at one point or another. I have that same issue, the silence you long for when they are going 90 to nothing and you are struggling to just keep up with 1/3 of what they are saying. I always tell my husband at night when everyone is in bed and it's been one of those days where they haven't stopped talking or yelling or screaming that I understand what they are truly saying at the being of a movie. You know Silence is golden. The person that came up with that had to have a house full of kids so that person understands the importance of that quiet moment.